
How do I enable & disable the Magnifier on start up in Windows 10 || Windows 11

2023-01-28 24 Dailymotion

ow do I enable & disable the Magnifier on start up in Windows 10 || Windows 11

Windows 11 tip: Use the Magnifier tool to zoom in on text or objects:
Magnifier app already includes into windows 11. To enable it:
hold windows key then press plus sign.
the maximum size is up to 1600%

there is a trick for zoom in or out when using this screen record with zoom function:
you need press windows key and + key to open the magnifier function first.
then minimum it
then you can use ctrl + Alt + wheel on your mouse to adjust the zoom.

additional option:
Ctrl+Alt+F: This is the default, full-screen view.
Ctrl+Alt+L: Press this combination to turn the Magnifier into a lens that zooms only the portion of the screen directly under the mouse pointer.
Ctrl+Alt+D: Use this option to dock the magnifier window to the top of the screen.
Ctrl+Alt+Space bar: Pressing this combination when you're zoomed in temporarily shows you the entire display, with the zoomed portion highlighted.